Little House in the Big Desert

As a stay-at-home homeschooling mother of four children under age 10, Tandemonimom finds herself with so much extra time on her hands, she must look for ways to fill it creatively; a blog seems to be one good way to pass all that heavy-weighted time.

My Photo
Location: Great Sonoran Desert, United States

Able to leap towering loads of laundry with a toddler clinging to her leg, Tandemonimom nourishes small (and not-so-small!) children from her own body. Family weirdo and all-around klutz, she is (usually) able to sleep with a size 7 foot in her ribs and baby breath tickling her hair. With one degree earned the easy way in elementary education and another (well, almost) in English, and four degrees earned the hard way in child research, development, and applied psychology, she is a philosopher able to ponder the weighty questions of the day: What if we didn't have any skin? What if we lived in the sky? Her work also includes hands-on field research in the areas of homebirth, family bed, tandem and extended breastfeeding, relaxed homeschooling, and holistic medicine. Her work as observer and facilitator allows her to monitor and record (with only minimal embarrassment) such statements as, "We're homeschooled, but we just do reading," when made publicly by her subjects. Her research and field photographs are published when overwhelming guilt for parental neglect and homeschooling laxity doesn't keep her away from the computer.